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Jeremy Renner explored  ‘every’ therapy after Snowplow Accident: ‘Countless Hours’ of ‘Peptide Injections, IV Drips, Stem Cell’ and Updates

The actor is capping off a difficult year with providing an update on his health.

On New Year’s Day 2023, actor Jeremy Renner was crushed by a snowplow, leaving him in serious condition with more than 30 shattered bones.

The “Avengers” actor, who plays Hawkeye in the Marvel superhero films, spent the next few months recovering, going through grueling physical therapy, and learning to walk again.

Renner, 52, is capping off a difficult year by providing an update on his health and thanking his fans.

On November 7, 2023, he said on Instagram, “I have been exploring EVERY type of therapy” since January.

“BUT my best therapy has been my thoughts and the determination to stay here and fight to recover and be better…. Be outstanding… It feels like it’s my responsibility to do so. Not to waste my life after being spared, but to give back to my family, friends, and all of you who have enabled me to endure. “I appreciate everyone.”

The following is a timeline of his accident and recovery:

Jeremy Renner explored  'every' therapy after Snowplow Accident

How did the Jeremy Renner accident happen?

According to the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office incident report that NBC News was able to obtain, on January 1, 2023, Renner was utilizing a snowplow to pull his nephew’s truck out of the snow on his Reno, Nevada, property on a private road.

According to the investigation, Renner exited the snowplow—a Pistenbully that weighs at least seven tons and is driven on a track—but did not apply the emergency stop when it began to slide down a hill.

The actor tried to step on the track, but the Pistenbully pulled him under, and the train rolled over him, injuring his head, face, body, and extremities, according to the sheriff’s office.

The actor claimed to be in severe condition in the hospital and to have more than thirty shattered bones. His spokesman further stated that he had orthopedic problems and traumatic chest damage.

Renner provided additional information regarding what transpired in an interview with Diane Sawyer in April 2023. The actor claimed that while he was leaning out of the snowplow’s cab door to check on his nephew, he slipped and slid beneath the snowplow’s track. He then attempted to climb back in.

Renner said to Sawyer, “I just happened to be the dummy standing on the dang track a little bit, seeing if my nephew was there.” “When running the automobile, you ought to be inside it, understand what I mean? It’s similar to operating a vehicle with your foot outside of it. Furthermore, I paid for my error.

Since there had been a snowstorm recently, it took forty minutes for rescue personnel to arrive in Renner. Until he was transported by air to a hospital, neighbors came out offering towels and assistance, according to officials.

Jeremy Renner’s recovery Update

According to his representative, the actor had surgery on January 2 and spent some time in the intensive care unit.

According to the Diane Sawyer interview, Renner’s rib cage had to be rebuilt using metal, and his eye socket had to be repaired using metal plates. The actor informed her that a titanium rod and screws were inserted into his leg, and elastic bands and screws were added to his jaw.

On January 16, 2023, Renner left the hospital and went home. He posted regular updates on his recuperation on social media.

Jeremy Renner explored  'every' therapy after Snowplow Accident

He uploaded a video of himself pedaling a stationary bike in February 2023.

He uploaded a video of himself walking on a treadmill in March 2023, the first time fans saw Renner on his feet since the injury.

The actor walked with a cane to the launch of his Disney+ docuseries “Rennervations” in Los Angeles in April 2023. Renner utilized a knee scooter to get inside the event.

Renner revealed his workout program in May 2023, calling his physique “miraculous” — “even though I feel like the Tin Man, needing oil for all my new joints (hips, knees, ankles, tibia, etc),” he said.

He’s subsequently shared photographs of himself looking well and joyful, telling supporters to make time for the people they care about.

Jeremy Renner’s current health  situation

Nov. 7, 2023, saw Renner post on Instagram, stating that he had completed “countless hours” of physical treatment. He went on to say that peptide injections, red light treatment, and hyperbaric chamber therapy are some other procedures he has tried to aid in his recuperation.

Therapeutic peptides can function as neurotransmitters, growth factors, hormones, or anti-infective drugs, according to experts. The Cleveland Clinic states that further research is necessary, however red light therapy is a new treatment that has been marketed for accelerating wound healing.

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, hyperbaric oxygen therapy entails entering a specific chamber to breathe in pure oxygen in an attempt to repair tissues.

Renner said he intends to continue working as an actor as he recovers.

“I’m not going anywhere,” he announced in June 2023 at a fan event in Phoenix, Arizona.

“I’d do it in a heartbeat if Marvel wants me back in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe), rocking that out.” “Those guys are fantastic.”

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